The importance of wellbeing at work and its relationship to safety, leadership and engagement will be the focus of this month’s ‘Lunch and Learn’ webinar from the UK’s IQ Academy.
Dr Carolyn Yeoman, operations director of OCAID Wellbeing, will present the 30-minute ‘Creating Wellbeing’ webinar from 12.30-13.00 on Thursday 27 September 2018.
Yeoman has significant experience in the health, safety and wellbeing field and has successfully ran her own business for over 20 years: “Wellbeing is an overused term which means all things to all people and it tends to be ill-defined and misunderstood. It’s often the ‘soft and fluffy’ side of wellbeing that is the focus of interventions, and whilst such interventions are beneficial to individuals, they’re unlikely to result in long-term sustainable organisational effects.
“Organisations need to address wellbeing in the same way they address safety, by identifying and eliminating its primary risks. We also need to start thinking about wellbeing in a different way and recognise the crucial role it has as a business improvement tool.”
‘Creating Wellbeing’ is the ninth in the series of issues-related online presentations by IQ Academy. The webinars count towards valuable Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and have been very popular, with hundreds of attendees from across the mineral and extractives industry to date.
More info here.