Our employee engagement consultants work with you to create an engaged, healthy and happy workforce, illustrated by two relaxed and smiling employees here.


Creating a Culture of Care

Employee engagement and wellbeing are powerful business improvement tools. But many organisations find that whilst ‘Yoghurt and Yoga’ interventions can be beneficial to individuals, a focus exclusively on the ‘soft and fluffy’ side of engagement and wellbeing fails to result in any long-term sustainable organisational benefit.

The secret to a truly engaged, resilient workforce lies in identifying and eliminating the causes of disengagement and the primary risks to wellbeing.

Delivered by our industry-acknowledged employee engagement consultants, our forward-thinking Cultural Wellbeing® Programme will help you do just that, moving your organisation from managing stress in a disengaged workforce to creating a culture of care.

Bowl of fresh fruit - tertiary interventions like these can be difficult to justify long term and are likely to have negligible impact on employee engagement

Bikes And Bananas Don’t Cut It With Our Employee Engagement Consultants

You’re not alone if your employee engagement and wellbeing efforts so far have consisted largely of initiatives addressing one or more specific issues. But by their very nature, tertiary interventions such as “Bikes and Bananas” are reactive. Not only can it be a struggle to cost justify them in the long term, they are likely to have negligible impact on morale, stress and absentee rates.

Considering that stress is to wellbeing what injuries are to safety (i.e. a trailing indicator that there are gaps in the system), it’s safe to say that wellbeing culture is at least one or two levels behind safety culture in most organisations. Rather than stress, what really needs to be managed are the potential causes of pressure – stressors – before they cause harm.

Enter the Cultural Wellbeing® Journey – a proven three-step culture change programme, designed by our employee engagement consultants to identify and eliminate the causes of disengagement and the primary risks to wellbeing. The result? Improved organisational resilience and a true culture of care.

The Cultural Wellbeing® Journey

Our proven three-step culture change programme, designed to support leaders in addressing employee engagement and wellbeing not only at the individual level, but also as a strategic business development opportunity:


Understanding the starting point is the crucial first step of the journey. We work alongside you to perform an in-depth analysis and benchmarking of your current wellbeing culture. With your help, we get senior leadership buy in through the use of insight and engagement sessions. All this feeds into the design of a bespoke implementation plan for your organisation.


In twenty years, we have never delivered the same Cultural Wellbeing® programme twice. The Engagement step comprises a chosen mix of leadership training, staff training, improvement teams, workshops and coaching. This is always designed collaboratively with you, to ensure we leverage any previous investments and address the most significant gaps identified in the Explore step.


The longevity of a Cultural Wellbeing Programme depends very much on the extent to which it is embedded within the fabric of your organisation. In our third step, we focus on integrating with existing processes, maintaining wellbeing conversations, sustaining improvement teams, and providing regular re-assessment and coaching/monitoring as necessary. Embedding is achieved when doing things more effectively than before feels both easy and natural.


“Our performance in health, safety and wellbeing has significantly improved”

Openreach is BT’s external Engineering organisation, and our network covers 30 million customer and eight million broadband lines from approximately 5,500 local telephone exchanges.

RyderMarsh OCAID were tasked with undertaking a Behavioural Safety Assessment survey with the aim of identifying areas for improvement to take safety performance to the next level. The result?

The survey has been significant to us in that it provided the baseline for our health, safety and wellbeing strategy and gave insight into what we needed to do to make that next leap of improvement.

Neil Barnes – Head of HSE – BT Openreach

Employee Engagement Consultants:
Related Services

We believe that Cultural Wellbeing® is best undertaken as a complete programme. But we’re pragmatic folk and understand that sometimes the reality on the ground means that for now, you require just one part of the jigsaw. We’re happy to offer the following parts of our Cultural Wellbeing® Programme as stand-alone services:

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